Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blogging: The Daily Writer’s Forum

Read, comment, share, post and subscribe. These give life to blogging.

It is an interaction that popularized open writing in the internet. The blogosphere welcomes just any subject of writing. Blog sites are visited by millions as avenues for exchange of ideas and views. Some writers make their impressions and create impact with blogs.

The word “blog” is short for web log. Brian E. Redman’s mob.der in 1983 was the first blog. It was a collection of interesting threads in the internet. A type of blog popularized in the 1990’s is the online diary. Technology and political blogs followed towards the Y2K continuity scare and the 9/11 attack in 2001. It was in 2004 that Merriam-Webster Dictionary declared “blog” as word of the year. Todate, blogging puts people in the mainstream and a reckoning force in setting trends.

Blogging provided an expressway for writers to show writing skills. Established writers maintain professional blogs. Amateur writers use blog sites that have a variety of formats to customize presentation of their blogs. The internet is a haven for writers. Information, ideas and impressions that cannot wait to come out in books or daily broadsheets are blogged. The internet never sleeps making it a convenient forum for posting real-time events and prompt views and reactions. Unlike in a book, a blog does not require long editing and substantial amount of money for publication. A blog can be posted for the whole world to reach in just a few clicks.

Blog sites gain popularity by the number of visitors. Technorati named The Huffington Post as most popular blog as of March 31, 2010. Second was Gizmodo and third was TechCrunch. The Huffington Post contains blogs by Arianna Huffington and contributions from known personalities in media and government. Gizmodo is a favorite source of gadget reviews while TechCrunch is leading source of information on breakthroughs and trends in the IT industry. Blogs on politics, technology, business and entertainment landed places in the latest Technorati 100. However, there are other genres put on blog. Blogs on sports, fashion, food, travel, law and sexuality are some of other genres that are popular in the internet. Bloggers talk about almost anything, including stock markets, love affairs, melons, megamalls and God. Blogging does not follow a strict protocol. As such, no restriction on form and content is followed. A blogger can post anything at will.

A measure of popularity in blogging is wide readership. Search engine optimization (SEO) increases visitors to a blog site. The process involves identifying and titling blogs with catch words. Knowledge and application of SEO techniques will land a blog on top of Google and Bing search results.

Technology blogs influence consumers to choose tech stuffs to buy. Bloggers can impact on the sales and popularity of a product. The same is true with blogs on politics. Bloggers can influence people’s positions on issues of governance and economics. A campaign blog can deliver votes for a politician.

Blogging has brought opportunities to writers. It has created possibilities for writers to succeed. Writers are the lifeline of blogging.

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